PLEASE NOTE: The complete catalog of sundials in France is reserved for members of the Société Astronomique de France in possession of the "Database" (version October 2015) of the Sundials Commission.To join SAF, 3 rue Beethoven 75016 PARIS,
[email protected], Tel. +33 (0) 50 €/year Ile de France- 30 € other departments and abroad- €15 minors and students under 25 years old.● To acquire the "Database": Contact the SAF.The "Base" is updated in October. It is sold for 13 € (+ shipping costs).It includes on 2 DVDs: inventories of French sundials (37,900 Sundials, 33,200 photos), foreign sundials (13,270 for 77 countries), astrolabes (524) and nocturlabes (375) from France and foreign. The Cadran Info review of the 2nd semester.● To discover the CCS:● CCS offers (Meetings, information, inventories, review, information by email): features:● Downloading and consultation of the catalogs of sundials of the 100 French departments. Nearly 34,000 sundials are available.● Creation of your catalogs of sundials.● Management of your favorite sundials.● Creation of personal notes.● Share a sundial with your friends via E-Mail, Facebook, Dropbox, Evernote, ...● Search by keyword.